
In computer science, spool refers to the process of placing data in a temporary working area for another program to process. The most common use is in writing files on a magnetic tape or disk and entering them in the work queue (possibly just linking it to a designated folder in the file system) for another process. Spooling is useful because devices access data at different rates. Spooling allows one program to assign work to another without directly communicating with it.

The most common spooling application is print spooling: documents formatted for printing are stored usually into an area on a disk and retrieved and printed by a printer at its own rate. Printers typically can print only a single document at a time and require seconds or minutes to do so. With spooling, multiple processes can write documents to a print queue without waiting. As soon as a process has written its document to the spool device, the process can perform other tasks, while a separate printing process operates the printer.

For example, when a city prepares payroll checks, the actual computation may take a matter of minutes or even seconds, but the printing process might take hours. If the program printed directly, computing resources (CPU, memory, peripherals) would be tied up until the program was able to finish. The same is true of personal computers. Without spooling, a word processor would be unable to continue until printing finished. Without spooling, most programs would be relegated to patterns of fast processing and long waits, an inefficient paradigm.[1]

Spooler or print management software may allow priorities to be assigned to jobs, notify users when they have printed, distribute jobs among several printers, allow stationery to be changed or select it automatically, generate banner pages to identify and separate print jobs, etc.

The temporary storage area to which E-mail is delivered by a Mail Transfer Agent and in which it waits to be picked up by a Mail User Agent is sometimes called a mail spool. Likewise, a storage area for Usenet articles may be referred to as a news spool. (On Unix-like systems, these areas are usually located in the /var/spool directory.) Mail and news spools usually allow random access to individual messages.

In the later 1960s and early 1970s, computers handled punch cards, and spooling systems such as HASP, FIDO, PATCHES,[2] SHADOW & SHADOW II, Power, GRASP, and The Spooler found they could benefit batch programs by spooling card input and output. (Some centers directed punch card and printed output to tape for later processing. The term 'spooling' may derive from these reels or 'spools' of tape, although the terms normally used for tape were reel or tape volume; this etymology has not been sourced.)[1]

Origin of the term

According to Tanenbaum, "Spool" is an acronym for simultaneous peripheral operations on-line[3] (though others may consider this a backronym). For printers: simultaneous peripheral output on line. Early mainframe computers had no disk drives and slightly more recent ones had, by current standards, small and expensive hard disks.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, computers used SPOOL software to copy files from one medium to another: punch card to tape, tape to punch card and tape to printer, with occasional use for card-to-card copying. The introduction of the relatively inexpensive IBM 1401 led to a temporary reduction in the use of SPOOL software.

See also


  1. ^ a b Lundin, Leigh; Stoneman, Don (1977). The Spooler User Guide (2 ed.). Harrisonburg: DataCorp of Virginia. 
  2. ^ IBM 1401 Restoration Project
  3. ^ Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Modern Operating Systems. 3rd Ed. Pearson Education, Inc., 2008. ISBN 978-0-13-6006633-2
  4. ^ IBM (February 26, 1971), The HASP System, February 26, 1971 HASP II (360D-05.1-014) V3M1, Version 3 Modification Level 1. 
  5. ^ IBM, z/OS V1R9.0 JES2 Introduction, SA22-7535-06, http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/zos/v1r9/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.zos.r9.hasa800/has2a86046.htm. 
  6. ^ http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/z/os/zvse/products/cf.html#power